Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Lagos Madness

they say one has to be mad to live in lagos, then again on the other hand, some say lagos makes you mad? you, make up your mind. traffic is out of this world, drivers having a free for all horn blowing competition, motocyclists "okadas" breezing past you kamikaze style, really, really - and i do mean really bad roads, next to no drainage systems, and the list just goes on and on and ............

but at the bottom of all this is the people themselves. most people seem to have become so unfeeling that they have no regard for the next person - man, woman or child. pray tell me, what kind of joy does one derive from speeding through a puddle of dirty water in the morning and drenching innocent bystanders who are on their way to work? what do you think they will wish for you that day?

maybe, it is time for the government to make it mandatory for drivers to attend a driving school and actually pass the theoretical aspect as well as the driving aspect. drivers should be able to understand and interprete road signs. the various agencies should be motivated to carry out their respective duties instead of merely acting like parasites and constituting a nuisance of themselves to the general public.

o well, as they say, we shall pray for ourselves and hope for the best?

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